Atomic Blog

Why You Need Video Testimonials

Testimonials have always been an integral part of doing business. They lead to referrals, create validation, build trust, and strengthen customer relationships.  In our digital world, where brands are connecting with larger audiences than ever before, testimonials have become even more powerful tools for marketing and lead generation. 

The Power of Color

People decide whether or not they like a product in 90 seconds or less, and 90% of that decision is based solely on color

Atomic Idea Marketing Agency Ranked As Top 30 Creative Agencies In Denver

Atomic Idea Marketing Agency has been recognized as a Top 30 Creative Agencies In Denver in 2021 by DesignRush. Learn more about product design companies on Design Rush.

What Makes a Website Engaging?

There are a lot of websites out there that have been created by the owner themselves using such platforms as Wixs and WordPress. These platforms offer you a lot of different options when it comes to how you want your website to look and feel. However, often it’s difficult to figure out what will be engaging, not to you but more importantly to your customers. This can especially be challenging if don’t have design experience, let alone for a website. Atomic Idea understands graphic design from top to bottom. So, here are a few things to consider:

Website Redesigned

When you first started your business you probably had high hopes of really getting it off the ground right from the beginning. Often though, there is always a little lag time when it comes to getting your business really going. As you started looking into how you can help the growth of your business you probably stumbled upon a lot of things about websites and how it can bring in the customers. From there you might have researched the quickest and least expensive option to get yourself up on the Web. This usually consists of using platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix. Often times these new websites are built quickly without the proper time spent on user experience, messaging and website design. Whether you’re looking at getting your website up or are wanting to upgrade, Atomic Idea knows the best way to go about it! We have been in this industry for a long time, giving us the upper hand on the right way to go about this.

How Video Can Boost Sales?

There are so many different avenues in which you can market your business. Some of those avenues can seem very daunting and might we say, pricey to begin with. Video marketing seems to be getting more and more attention, but it is a marketing techniques that often has a big dollar sign next to it. Here at Atomic Idea we can help make sure that you’re using all the tactics of marketing possible while meeting your budget requirements. Here are a few things to remember when it comes to video marketing:

What You Should Know About Social Media Marketing?

Social media is great when it comes to keeping up with your friends. It keeps you connected with those who are far away. As the platforms for social media have grown so has a company’s ability to advertise and market themselves. If you’re wanting to get in the game and make your company stand out, then you’ll need to know the ins and outs of how to market on social media. Atomic Idea wants to help your company every step of the way! Here is what the professionals have to say about how to succeed when it comes to social media marketing.

Your Company Deserves an Atomic Idea

When it comes to your company, you want to make sure that it is constantly growing. More than that you want it to thrive. That takes some work to accomplish. We are talking about marketing and advertising efforts. But what does it really take? What is the right mix of tactics for your company? Digital Campaigns are one option. Atomic Idea has helped many companies to thrive . We want to help guide you when it comes to the online advertising industry. Here are the top strategies that you’ll want to consider and the reasons why:

1. Web Design

The One Stop Shop for New Businesses

When it comes to starting your own business it can be difficult to say the least. It will mean that in the beginning you are putting in more money than you’re getting out. Since this is the way starting up a new business typically works you certainly want to make sure that what you’re deciding to put your money into the best solutions. What we mean by the best solution is that it will give you the quickest return. Atomic Idea knows exactly how to get a business up and running with the fastest return. We are your one stop shop when it comes to making sure that your business is seen not only by google, the biggest search engine out there, but also by the people who are looking for your service. What does that really include though?

Brand Reputation as a Search Engine Influencer

Digital marketing has changed every year since it began in 2004. 2019 will mark a time where your brand and its reputation will become an influencer of your ranking as well as the quality of your business. In 2019 your brand becomes a ranking signal.